Monday, July 21, 2008

Apisada Kruekongka

A newbie to the scene in Thailand, she caught our eye.

Patcharapa Chaichue

Real Name, Patcharapa Chaichue. Nick Name, Umm. Birthday, December 5, 1978. Birthplace, Bangkok, Thailand. Height, 168 cm. Weight, 48kg

Napoleon Club

This club has great pool tables, but overall, it's an okay place. If you look through the website, you'll notice how the ladies look a little older. The barfines are really high here--1500, and the girls are kind of wicked sometimes. Meaning, they milk you for drinks, $$, and don't really put out, BUT this place has really good pool tables and an ambience. There are usually 15-20 girls, but sometimes there are like 5 girls. It's very odd. When you walk in, there's a dj booth right in the middle of the room right in front of you, it's also a bar. To the left is a more traditional bar with some table, a partition with a pool table behind it. As you walk past the booth, there is another pool table, and to your right is a side room with a pool table and tv--this is the room we like to just hang out and play. If you go forward past the booth, there is another pool table, and another room in the back. To the left of the table are the bathrooms. The girls here are okay, and they know the deal--they won't harass you for drinks and will let you play pool and hang out, BUT the drinks are expensive here so be careful.

Monet from the INsider

When I stepped into Monet, the first thing you notice is it's kind of a cramp small bar, but the ladies are all behind the bar. To me, it was kind of like a little prison--the girls can't come out of the bar unless you pay them with a drink. But they are very nice--polite, offering you the hand towel thing, and peanuts. They kind of gravitate without really hounding you. As you look around, the bar is about 7 meters wide and very deep. I think there's an upstairs, but I have never gone upstairs. Toilets are in the back. On any given night, there will be about 14 girls or so in nice dresses--but as mentioned before, those dresses are a blessing and a curse--they look great in them, but in normal clothes, they look sort of...well, sometimes varied.

As a note, Soi 33 girls tend to be on the older side, from 25 and up sometimes. Some are really older,but their conversational skills are good and the whole situation is not a nana or cowboy thing. You come to soi 33 after work and sit. The bars are more hostess than agogo. the barfines are in the 1200-1500 range, and the short time is somewhere 2500-3000, with long time at 4000 or so? I really don't know as I haven't been down there in ages, BUT it's all highly negotiable. These girls are into the relationships and looking for love, maybe in all the wrong places here, but it's not a place where you come, wham bam slam and go home. This is a place where you come in, get their number, and get them to come over after work. BUT these girls may look high so, but they may or maybe not so be careful. A good friend lost his steak knives, which to me is the funniest thing ever. who steal steak knives?

Monet was okay--the girls are older, and some are hot and some are not. It was a nice quiet place though to just relax and chat.

Monet and Soi 33 Great Post by Oz the Voyager

Having spent a great deal of time (and even more money !!!!) down there over the last 2-3 years, I've come to know some of the Soi 33 girls quite well - mostly the Monet girls amongst others.

A lot of these girls seem to be hired by word of mouth and are often school friends of bar girls obviously lured in by the chance to make some good $'s/THB. A lot of these girls are at school - they tend to gravitate to Marketing courses. I've also found that many of the girls are in fact related, with cousins, sisters, second cousins etc having been hired under referral of their relatives already working at the bar. Maybe there's a small spotters fee payable to the girls, I don't know. I've also found quite a few of the girls have boyfriends who are the brothers of other girls working at the bar. Seems a very close-knit little community in a lot of ways. Say something to one, and I suspect all will know quickly. For this reason, can be very difficult to "butterfly" at the one bar. I don't want any of the little treasures to lose face over a silly indiscretion on my part either so need to tread wearily and smartly through the minefield if you know what I mean. Many of the girls seem to be from families in BKK, although certainly many of them poor families - I've seen some of their dwellings - absolutely amazing, chickens, dogs all living in the same room as the family. Many are from broken families.

Are they more upmarket than your average Nana, Patpong or Cowboy girl ? Some are and some are not - obvious answer I know. Soi 33 girls seem better educated. All / most with few exceptions are very, very attractive - most girls have the help of a professional make-up artist to apply the filler at the bar before we farangs arrive on the scene. (I've enjoyed arriving early for the happy hours and watching the before and after transition). These girls are generally looking their best when at the bar. The take-out can provide a different look, if not a little disappointing, although many would look good wearing a paper bag.

Those damn evening gowns provide a perfect means of inserting padding however. Don't get too worked up over the cleavage in an evening dress is my advice.

Whilst most are quite stunning, the more average ones (without stopping traffic, they would still turn heads in most western cities) I think are generally hired for their pleasant demeanour and limited conversational skills or sense of humour/wit. A few have neither and I wonder why they're there. Charity lady drinks perhaps as I sometimes feel sorry for them and buy them one anyway.

I've found most of these girls are looking for a real boyfriend. Some have taken a great deal of work and effort "to get to know" as take-outs / after hours. Several have shown up with mother and family at the front door after only a few meetings (!!!!!) - quite stunned with this at first, and sometimes hard to separate a genuine want to get the rubber stamp from their family to see me, or are simply trying to set me up for the obvious shopping trip etc - some the former, some the latter no doubt. (Very funny having to hide the condoms, smoking jacket and fezz in a hurry when opening up the door expecting to find my girl, only to be accompanied by her mother, sisters and cousins - just joking about the smoking jacket and fezz).

The big difference between your average Nana girl and your Soi 33 girl is that your average Nana girl is out simply to get you out of the bar, get your money quickly and get back to the bar for the next one. The Soi 33 girl generally loves and welcomes a paid out bar fine - these are not as frequent as your Nana bars and so seem to be genuinely quite special (take outs can be 3 times the cost of a Nana take-out on some days). Most of them prefer you take them out for a meal and dancing. You need to fully understand expectations of the take-out beforehand as there are a few girls who simply aren't prepared for anything more as they are in relationships - some Thai boyfriends and farang boyfriends (I suspect all can be had but for what price, that's the question, and is it worth it - no, is often the answer when other opportunities beckon).

Many of the girls have become very honest and open in communicating over time - one girl, when I asked how her farang boyfriend was, she asked laughingly which one ! - we all know the games bargirls play but I welcomed her frankness and honesty - I actually quite fancy her and, knowing her situation/style, would welcome an encounter as she is a stunner - she's on my objectives list for my next trip.

Needless to say there are some genuinely nice girls in the Soi, but obviously there are serious players as well.

I also note that there is a real drug presence down there. Mostly uppers to get them through the night - you can pick them - some mj after hours too. To their credit, a lot of the girls are very critical of this. A lot of the bad influence seems to come from behind the scenes with the Thai boyfriend influence.

Got close to a young 20 year old beauty last year who looked a 9.9999 through the haze of Johnnie Walker Black, gorgeous - unfortunately, she's on the downward spiral now at 21 (!!!), into drugs and under some bad outside influences despite my attempts to turn her around - sad but crazily inevitable. Paid for her to take an English course and encouraged her to take her job back at the Emporium - would have been willing to sponsor her the difference in income with appropriate supervisory controls but in so many ways the bar life is attractive to them and most of them would like to be "good girls" but can't be bothered.

It was wonderful there for a while over a period of time watching her body change from that of a youthful beauty with a hint of puppy fat to become a super slender toned beauty. I wonder now though whether that tone is the beginning of wastage. I suspect she'll probably age very quickly from here on.

Stick, the bill padding (and evening dress padding !!!) is a real issue at Monet but despite the negatives (and a big one at that), I'm still lured back to these girls. I don't run up a big tab and pay regularly to keep some level of control, although I'm sure some sneak under the radar the more comfortable you settle in. My length of stay in a session has probably also been reduced, so they're dishonesty costs them in the end.

For what it's worth, in 3 years of Monet attendance, I've never been provided a complementary drink by the management - poor customer relationship skills.

As a positive, I've found that at Playskool at Nana, as an almost nightly patron who consumes copious amounts of scotch and regular bar fines, the complimentary drinks have been regularly forthcoming which has impressed me. For this reason, with a stable of some real talented and fun beauties, Playskool is the best gogo in BKK.

Still, despite the attractions and benefits to be had at Playskool, I still find myself being lured to Monet and the Soi 33 experience.

Stickman says:

I still can't make my mind up about Soi 33, though I agree with just about all of your thoughts on the soi.

Chonticha Joy Nuamsukon

Name: Chonticha Nuamsukon; Nickname: Joy; Profession: Actress, Model, DJ; Date of birth: November 17, 1983;

She also has music videos.

Jane Sriprayul

This girl has a very interesting look and just caught our eye.


Just browsing the web and found these awesome pix of this girl. unfortunately, I know nothing about her...but I think you can appreciate it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sharks Bar soi cowboy

This bar is located somewhat between Baccara and Tilac. Although a two story bar, it's main action is on the first floor. The barfine is 600 baht, with negotiable action after. The cool thing about this bar, and what I never understood--the girls are pretty and pretty much always there. It's like no one ever takes any girls out. Even when you go there late, the girls are all there. Drinks are about 140 baht, and there are specials. Pretty cool about drinks and nice staff.

Baccara Bar

In my mind, the crown jewel of Soi Cowboy, but it's an expensive--Japanese bar. The girls know how to work this bar, but it has fabulous design. first of all, it has the see through stage between the first and second level. second, the school girl uniforms for the top level girls and the bikinis for the dancers on the first level plus the hostesses that show you in. this place must have 75 girls at any given time. there are two shifts of dancing--be careful, girls love to hit you for a drink right before they go up--as best as I can tell, the shift change every three or four songs. nothing worse than paying 150 baht to have a girl sit with you then she leaves to go dancing.

costs: expensive. the average beer is 140 baht or so. a mixed drink will hit 160 or more. a lady drink is 150. barfine 600 baht.

DANCERS--you have to buy two lady drinks before a dancer will go with you. then, you have to deal for the price. granted, some of their dancers are smoking, but still.

the school girls are cheaper, but they are depleted rather early. I think the Japanese crowd loves them first. open to about 2:00 a.m. or when soi cowboy closes.

Tilac Bar

Tilac bar has undergone a renovation and with a 700 baht barfine and 1500 short time. the beer is 130 baht, and the ladies are fine. you have to go into the men's room and use the urinals on the left. this is the new hot bar. it's located in the middle of soi cowboy--look for the big blue sign.

What I liked about it: Sheer number of women in all sizes--very well-lit and just so many tables. As you walk in, there are seats along the right with two tables for dancing with ladders for the girls to go up--it has the dancing poles. there are mirrors all around. the music is not too loud, but loud. to your left is the center stage which is like a weird kind of cloverleaf stage--there are like five or six poles and little stages connected--the stage has the bar in the middle. To the far left and right in front of you, beyond the stage, are more tables with poles for dancing. we walked in at 1:00 a.m. and the place was popping.

be careful. there are sharks here--the bar had closed due to supervision coming (cops) so it was music off, pay your tab, but you can stay. this lil lady wanted the full barfine plus other negotiables. my reply--the bar is closed. why is there a barfine? and she just laughed and said have to. um. yeah.

nice place though